What are 6 main ragas?
The six main Ragas, from which all other Ragas emanate, are associated with the time of the day, and/or the season. These are, 
Raga Bhairav (dawn), 
Raga Hindol (spring, morning),
 Raga Megh (monsoon), 
Raga Shri (dusk), 
Raga Deepak (evening), and 
Raga Malkauns (late night and, some say, winter).

How many basic ragas are there?
There are around 83 ragas in Indian classical music. However, Indian classical vocalist Pandit Jasraj lists the six primary ragas as follows: * Raag Bhairav: Bhairav is a morning raga, and solemn peacefulness is its ideal mood.

What are the five ragas?
S1: The five main ragas of the classical music are Deepak, Bhairavi, Hindol, Varsha and Tandav.

Which raga is for sleeping?Which raga is for sleeping?
Raga Nelambari
The raga Nelambari in the classical Indian Karnatic system of music is said to be able to induce sleep and also have some sleep promoting qualities.

Which is the oldest raga?
Malkauns, known also as rag Malkos, is a raga in Indian classical music. It is one of the oldest ragas of Indian classical music.

The equivalent raga in Carnatic music is called Hindolam, not to be confused with the Hindustani Hindol.
According to Indian classical vocalist Pandit Jasraj, Malkauns is a raga that is "sung during small hours of the morning, just after midnight." He further adds that the raga has a soothing and intoxicating effect.

The name Malkaush is derived from the combination of Mal and Kaushik, which means he who wears serpents like garlands – the god Shiva. However, the Malav-Kaushik mentioned in classical texts does not appear to be the same as the Malkauns performed today.

The raga is believed to have been created by Goddess Parvati to calm lord Shiva, when he was outraged and refused to calm down after Tandav in rage of Sati's sacrifice.

In Jainism, it is also stated that the Raga Malkauns is used by the Tirthankaras with the Ardhamāgadhi Language when they are giving Deshna (Lectures) in the Samavasarana.
Malkaush belongs to Shaivait musical school; in fact most pentatonic ragas belong to Shaivait musical school.

His mace running with blood, garlanded with skulls of heroes, Malkaush surrounded by braves and bravest of the brave!.Shiv ttva ratnakara, 6, 8, 67

Arohana and Avarohana

Arohana : .ni. Sa ga Ma dha ni *Sa*
Avarohana : *Sa* ni dha Ma ga Ma ga Sa OR *Sa* ni dha Ma ga Sa
The 'Ga' used is actually Ga-Sadharan (the rough minor third), 316-cent above Sa[6]
Vadi and Samavadi
The vadi swara is Madhyam (Ma) while the Samavadi swara is Shadaj (Sa).
Pakad or Chalan
Pakad : ga ma dha ma ga ma ga sa

Which raga is easiest?
Yaman is a sampurna (consists of 7 notes) raga from the Hindustani music tradition. 
It is one of the first ragas a Hindustani classical student learns and is considered to be one of the most fundamental ragas in the tradition.

Which is the king of ragas?
Next to the Sitar, the Sarod is the most important stringed music in north Indian classical music. It has been described as a four stringed 'lute'.

Which raga is best for studying?
“The Indian classical instrument played was Malahari Raga, which improved concentration, whereas Indo jazz played was Kapi raga, which improved attention; as revealed in the enhanced task performance.

Which is the most relaxing raga?
Bhoopali: Known as Mohanam in Indian Carnatic tradition, this raga is of major help to those suffering from depression
The comforting notes have a soothing effect and make one feel carefree like a child.

Which raga is for Peace?
Raga Bageshri arouses a feeling of darkness, stability, depths and calmness.

Which raga is for romance?
It is a very sweet raga with a very simple philosophy of love and romance.

Which raga is best for morning?
A raga that is suitable for the mornings, exuding positivity and happiness, is Bilahari.

Which raga cures which diseases?
Hypotension: Raga Malkauns is helpful in treating patients who have very low blood pressure levels. 
Tuberculosis, cancer, cold, sinusitis and toothache: Raga Bhairavi has been known to help patients suffering from these diseases. 
Asthma and Sun-Stroke: Raga Malhar has shown good results in treating asthma patients.

Who is the father of raga?
Balamurali, a legend, who created ragas with three Swaras -

Which raga is Favourite of Lord Shiva?
Bhairav, the raga of Shiva.

Which raga is most melodious?
Kalyani — Bright, joyful and easily the most melodious of all the heavyweight ragas, a close relative of Sankarabharanam as well.

Which raga is for wealth?
It is common for people to pledge jewellery (abharanam in Tamil) and other valuables to raise money during difficult times. 
But a well-known musician, Narasaiyar alias Narashimha Iyer, pledged Sankarabharanam, a Carnatic music raga, to overcome his financial crisis during the reign of King Serfoji.

What is a healing raga?
The ancient medical science of India, known as Ayurveda, has a branch that details how music can heal a variety of ailments of the body and mind. This process of specific application is called raga chikitsa or raga vidya.

Which Raag is best for headache?
Raga Malhar, Raga Sorath, Raga Jaijiwanti are used to get rid of mental stress
Further, Raga Sarang cures headache, Raga Darbari improves heart condition, Raga Pancham reduces stomach disorders and Raga Shivranjini enhances memory.

Which is the most beautiful Raag?
Five raags you must listen to on World Music Day
  1. Raag Hamsadhwani. Hamsadhwani is a beautiful raag of the evening. ... 
  2. Raag Mian ki Malhar. The raag was composed by the great Indian Maestro Tansen
  3. Raag Bhopali. Raag Bhopali is a pentatonic raag which means that it's composed of only five notes. 
  4. Raag Bhairav. 
  5. Raag Kafi.
What is a Female Raag called?
Rāginī (Devanagari: रागिनी) is a term for the "feminine" counterpart of a "masculine" rāga.

Which raga is for Krishna?
Kedar (raga) -

Which raga will bring rain?
Raga Amrutavarshini
In the Carnatic tradition, the "Raga Amrutavarshini is said to bring the rains.

Which raga is good for anxiety?
Raga Bhairavi is one of the ancient ragas which is highly effective in the management of mental health problems.
Hence, the present study selected the "Raga for management of depression, anxiety, and stress levels"  in preoperative patients undergoing cataract surgeries.

Which Raag is for fever?
Raga Darbari helps with relieving stress if heard late night and 
Raga Bhimpalasi if heard in the noon. 
Raga Pooriya Dhanasri and Raaga Deepak for Acidity
Raga Jaunpuri and Gunkali for constipation, 
Malkauns for intestinal gas and fever.

Which Raag is for anger?
Ragas Ahirbhairav and Todi are prescribed for patients suffering from hypertension. 
Carnatic ragas like Punnagavarali and Sahana are useful to calm the mind and control anger.

Hindustani and Carnatic classical musical considers a Raga as depicting a specific mood.

Which mantra makes Lord Shiva happy?

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It is a form of the most powerful mantra in Hinduism, the Gayatri Mantra. Shiva Gayatri Mantra is extremely powerful, it gives you peace of mind and that pleases Lord Shiva.

What is Lord Shiva Favourite food?

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 The Mahayogi loves kand-mool as per the shashtras. His favouries include bhang, dhatura, milk, thandai and sweets white in colour.

Can music heal a person?
Answer-Musical Navik definately believes so. There are many physical attributes to sustain the claim. In some environment it can be felt and practically and physically proven.

Scientific evidence suggests that music can have a profound effect on individuals – from helping improve the recovery of motor and cognitive function in stroke patients, reducing symptoms of depression in patients suffering from dementia, even helping patients undergoing surgery to experience less pain and heal faster. Many medical practioners use music during while carrying out their duties.

How music can heal your soul?
Introduction. There really is truth to the saying music soothes the soul, so much so that it is now recognized as a form of therapy. Music therapy is a recognized and accepted form of therapy, music stimulates so many parts of the brain as well as the emotions it can actually lower your blood pressure and heart rate

Which Raag uses both Ma?
Raga Bihag
It is a melodious Raaga for beginners as well as experts. Raga Bihag uses all seven music swars. In Bihag, both the Madhyams (Shuddha & teevra) are used. 
The Shuddha Madhyam is the prominent one while Teevra Madhyama is only used with Panchama in Phrase PA MA' GA MA GA.

Does raga contain gender?
In the treatises on Indian classical music, ragas are classified as masculine and feminine — raga and ragini. This concept is more common in the Hindustani system. It applies to Carnatic music too but remains on paper rather than being practised.

What aroma relieves stress?
Research has demonstrated that aromatherapy, specifically lavender, can improve mood and lessen anxiety.
 A study published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing showed that aromatherapy helped intensive care patients to feel less anxious and more positive immediately.

What is a calming mantra?
Om Mani Padme Hum is a popular Buddhist chant that can invoke compassion, release burden some emotions, and create inner harmony.
Mahakatha suggests chanting this mantra between 3 and 11 times during meditation practice.

What type of music is best for stress relief?
So what type of music reduces stress the best? 
A bit surprising is that Native American, Celtic, Indian stringed-instruments, drums, and flutes are very effective at relaxing the mind even when played moderately loud.

Who is the father of Indian music?
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Purandara Dasa is considered the father of Carnatic music, while the later musicians Tyagaraja, Shyama Shastry and Muthuswami Dikshitar are considered the trinity of Carnatic music.

Who is the first song in India?
The first song recorded in India by Gauhar Jaan in 1902 and the first Bollywood film Alam Ara (1931) were under Saregama, India's oldest music label owned by RPSanjiv Goenka Group.

What is raga theory?
Among the many unique and much-loved traditions of Hindustani classical music is the adherence to the time-raga theory, the concept of the samay raga which is linked by its swaras to specific times of day or night, to seasons, to colours, to moods.

Which raga is most difficult?
When it comes to the most difficult ragas in Indian classical music it is Raag Deepak (Poorvi Thaat). 
This is considered to be a difficult raga in Indian classical music because the legendary singer Tansen almost died after singing this raga.

What makes Lord Shiva angry?

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Lord Shiva likes those who are as innocent as he himself is. If somebody tries to spoil another person's dignity and respect in the society, this might enrage Lord Shiva. He considers it a sin if you try to defame a person. Using lies against others and spreading rumors is wrong in his eyes.

Which is the most powerful raag?

Image result for Pandit jasraj basic raagas

The Bhairav raga itself is extremely vast and allows a huge number of note combinations and a great range of emotional qualities from valor to peace.

Bhairav is a Hindustani classical raga of Bhairav thaat. It is a sampurna raga that is traditionally performed in the morning and also as the beginning piece in concerts. It is the defining raga of its own Thaat.

Raga Kalingda in Hindustani and Ragam Mayamalavagowla in Carnatic music have the same scale as Raga Bhairav, although the moods they create can be quite different due to the way they are expounded.

According to Indian classical vocalist Pandit Jasraj, Bhairav is a "morning raga, and solemn peacefulness is its ideal mood."

It is grave in mood and suggests seriousness, introversion and devotional attitude.

Time of day-Daybreak; Beginning of concerts (Sunrise)
Arohana-               Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa'
Avarohana-          Sa' Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sa
Pakad-                    Ga Ma Dha Dha Pa, Ga Ma Re Re Sa 
  • Mayamalavagowla
  • Double harmonic scale
  • Kalingda
  • Gauri
  • Ahir Bhairav
  • Nat Bhairav Ramkali

6 MAIN Elements of a raaga EXPLAINED!
Arohana, Arohanam or Aroha, in the context of Indian classical music, is the ascending scale of notes in a raga.[1] The pitch increases as we go up from Shadja (Sa) to the Taar Shadja (Sa), possibly in a crooked (vakra) manner.
An Avarohana, Avarohanam or Avaroha, in the context of Indian classical music, is the descending scale of any raga.[1] The notes descend in pitch from the upper tonic (taar shadja or Sa) down to the lower tonic, possibly in a crooked (vakra) manner.
In Hindustani music, a pakad (Hindi: पकड़) is a generally accepted musical phrase (or set of phrases) thought to encapsulate the essence of a particular raga. The pakad contains the melodic theme of the raga, on listening to the pakad a person who knows the raga is usually able to identify it. In many cases, the ragas contain the same swaras (notes), then the pakad also contains information about gayaki or chalan (the way the notes are to be ordered and played/sung). Usually, the pakad is formed from short convolutions of the arohana and avarohana, while in some cases it is quite different from them. The pakad for a particular raga need not be unique, its sole purpose is to clarify what raga it is.
For example, here is a pakad for raga Yaman, a prominent raga from Hindustani music:
Ni* Re Ga Ma# Pa, Ma# Ga Re Sa. An important aspect of a Pakad is Laya. Lay essentially means time, but contextually, it means how time is spent. Lay helps us to place emphasis on specific notes by giving them longer playing time - this helps to properly space apart notes. Without spacing apart notes accordingly, a Raag will fail to show it’s true characteristics, and this is why a Pakad is important to truly understand a raag.
Chalan (music)
In Hindustani music, a Chalan is an extensive series of note patterns which summarises the development of a particular raga. It discloses the basic grammar of the raga and provides a treatment and melodic context of each tone.
Chalan is the movement of a raga or development of a raga while performing Alap. It may also refer to a Pakad of a raga. (Note: Chalan is mostly similar to the Pakad of a raga)
For example, the Chalan of the Kedar (raga) is सा म ग प मे (tivra) म रे सा |
Beneath are some Chalans of different ragas for better understanding:
  • Bridabani Sarang - Ni Sa Re Ma Re Pa Ma Re Ni Sa
  • Sohni - Sa Ni Dha, Ga Ma# Dha Ga Ma# Ga
  • Ahir Bhairav - S r G M G M r ṇ Ḍ  ṇ r S
Vadi (music)
Vadi, in both Hindustani classical music and Carnatic music, is the tonic (root) swara (musical note) of a given raga (musical scale).
"Vadi is the most sonant or most important note of a Raga." It does not refer to the most played note but it rather refers to a note of special significance. It is usually the swara which is repeated the greatest number of times, and often it is the swara on which the singer can pause for a significant time.
Vadi swara in a raga is like a king in a kingdom. The specialty of any raaga depends on vadi swara and because of this, the vadi swara is also called the Jeeva swara or the Ansha swara. A good artist uses vadi swara in different ways like singing vaadi swara again and again, starting a raga with vadi swara, to end a raaga with vadi swara, singing vadi swara many times in important places with different swaras or sometime singing vadi swara for a longer time in one breath.
Vadi swara is also helpful to identify the appropriate time for singing or playing a raga.
If the vadi swara of a raaga is from the purvanga part of the saptak i.e. “Sa Re Ga Ma”, then it is called purvanga vaadi raaga and usually the time for singing or playing purvanga vaadi raagas is from midnight to noon.

For example, ragas like Bhimpalasi, Pilu, Purvi, Marwa, Yaman, Bhoopali, and Bageshree etc. have purvanga vadi swara and so the time for singing and playing these ragas is from noon to midnight. (AFTER NOON 1200 to 2400 HRS)

In the same way, if the vaadi swara of a raaga is from the utranga part of the saptak i.e. “Ma Pa Dha Ni” then it is classed as a utraanga vaadi raaga and the time for singing or playing utraanga vaadi ragas is from midnight to noon. (2400 hrs to 1200 AM).

For example, ragas in Hindustani classical music like Bhairav, Bhairavi, Bilawal, Kalingada, Sohini, and Asavari etc. have utraanga vaadi swara and so the time for singing or playing these ragas is between midnight to noon. (2400 hrs to 1200 AM).

Vaadi swara, along with the Samavadi swara of a raga, usually brings out the uniqueness of the raga and its bhaava (mood) and rasa (emotion). i.e (Bhavna)

The Samavadi is the second-most prominent (though not necessarily second-most played) note of a raga in Indian classical music. The primary note of the raga is the vadi; the vadi and samvadi are in most cases a fourth or fifth apart.
A samavadi is a note of special significance. It is like the ministry to the monarch.(clarification needed) A performer will typically try to emphasize the samvadi along with the vadi when improvising on a certain raga. The vadi and samvadi can be crucial in defining the raga at hand, and in some cases two ragas with the same arohana and avrohana can be distinguished only by the prominence of their sonant[clarification needed] and consonant notes.

Which ragas of Hindustani music were created after 19th century?
Raag Hussaini Kanada - Ustad Bahadur Hussain Khan
Raag Hemant - Allauddin Khan
Raag Gunji Kanada - Pandit Vishnu Digambar Paluskar
Raag Jaiwant Todi - Maharana Jaiwant Singh Waghela
Raag Bagkauns - Maharana Jaiwant Singh Waghela
Raag Gyankali - Maharana Jaiwant Singh Waghela
Raag Pranavranjini - Omkarnath Thakur
Raag Ranjani Kalyan - Shrikrishna Narayan Ratanjankar
Raag Gopika Basant - Shrikrishna Narayan Ratanjankar
Raag Marga Bihag - Shrikrishna Narayan Ratanjankar
Raag Kedar Bahar - Shrikrishna Narayan Ratanjankar
Raag Sawani Kedar - Shrikrishna Narayan Ratanjankar
Raag Hansaranjani - Shrikrishna Narayan Ratanjankar
Raag Salagvarali - Shrikrishna Narayan Ratanjankar
Raag Jogkauns - Pandit Jagannath Buwa Purohit
Raag Amirkhani Kauns - Ustad Amir Khan
Raag Ahir Lalit - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Nat Bhairav - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Bairagi - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Bairagi Todi - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Bairagi Bhairav - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Tilak Shyam - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Monomanjari - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Parameshwari - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Jogeshwari - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Purabi Kalyan - Pandit Ravi Shankar
Raag Kalashri - Pandit Bhimsen Joshi
Raag Chandranandan - Ustad Ali Akbar Khan
Raag Pancham Jogeshwari - Vishwanath Rao Ringe
Raag Hemashri - Vishwanath Rao Ringe
Raag Gandhi Malhar - Pandit Kumar Gandharva
Raag Shiv Bhatiyar - Pandit Kumar Gandharva
Raag Sindhura Jhinjhoti - Pandit Kumar Gandharva
Raag Madhsurja - Pandit Kumar Gandharva
Raag Sanjaari - Pandit Kumar Gandharva
Raag Mishravanti Jhinjhoti - Pandit Kumar Gandharva
Raag Utaraa Kalyan - Pandit Kumar Gandharva
Raag Shiv Abhogi - Pandit C. R. Vyas
Raag Dhanakoni Kalyan - Pandit C. R. Vyas
Raag Sagera - Pandit C. R. Vyas
Raag Shuddha Ranjini - Pandit C. R. Vyas
Raag Sanjogiya - Pandit C. R. Vyas
Raag Araj - Ustad Abdul Halim Jaffer Khan
Raag Gunaranjini - Dinkar Kaikini
Raag Hussaini Kanada - Ustad Yunus Hussain Khan
Raag Sahana Kanada - Ustad Yunus Hussain Khan
Raag Pat Bihag - Ustad Yunus Hussain Khan
Raag Tribhuvan Malhar - Jaysukhlal Shah
Raag Vibhavri - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Swar Sameer - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Kiran Ranjani - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Chandra Dhwani - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Hari Priya Kanada - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Suhaag Bhairav - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Amiri Todi - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Lalita Dhwani - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Shyamshri - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Saraswati Kalyan - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Priyadarshani - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Shivanjali - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Mangresh - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Jawahar Manjari - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Shantana - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Kamalshri - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Ganesh Kalyan - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Subhalakshmi - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Shyama Gouri - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Aahuti - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Rahat Kauns - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Haafiz Kauns - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Shyama Gouri - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Saawan Malhar - Amjad Ali Khan
Raag Madhukauns - Chaitanya Kunte
Raag Neelkauns - Shri Pritam Bhattacharjee
and many many more.
The latest one is Saawan Malhar composed in the year 2008.
Madhukauns and Neelkauns were also composed in 21st century